A Powerful Mindset Shift: “Everyone is Doing Their Best”
Do you want to be more helpful and have more impact in your conversations?
A friend of mine, Caroline asked an important question:
“Do you think most people are doing the best job they can?”
I responded:
“It doesn’t matter if they are or not. But if I treat every interaction with the mindset that others ARE doing their best, MY best comes out. I am more empathetic, more accommodating, and I’m in a place where I can serve them better.”
It is easy to forget that you control how you respond to others. I have forgotten this over and over in life, and it’s something I need to be reminded of often.
Who can you apply this mindset to and improve your relationship? It could be a coworker, a family member, or maybe both!
I’d love to hear from you – email me here!